Use "recapitalise|recapitalised|recapitalises|recapitalising" in a sentence

1. In March 2007, the Omani government recapitalised the airline, which saw the government increasing its shareholding from approximately 33 to 80 percent.

2. 7 It is also because the doctors have been ham-fisted: look at Hank Paulson's changes of mind about whether to use America's $700 billion rescue fund to recapitalise banks or to buy toxic assets.

3. As indicated under point 4 (footnote 4) of the Restructuring Communication, the specific criteria and circumstances leading to the obligation to present a restructuring plan refer in particular, but not exclusively, to situations where a distressed bank has been recapitalised by the State, or where a bank benefiting from asset relief has already received State aid in whatever form that contributes to coverage or avoidance of losses which altogether exceeds 2 % of the total bank’s risk-weighted assets.